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TECH2MATCH is a development project aiming to enable a better use and match of technology for patients with pain (acute or chronic pain) by analysing the needed technological skills of future healthcare professionals and developing a interdisciplinary course for these professionals. Our approach involves blended learning, real-life scenarios and xMOOC.

Our approach to train future healthcare professionals

We have chosen to work with real-life scenarios because it will make students familiar with technology, lose fear of new technology, get more knowledge in how to integrate patients’ needs in the use of technology. In accordance to this, Siamak Taslimi has stated several advantages of using real life scenarios in teaching. We have quoted his five reasons below.

1. Keeps learners at the center.​
Learner-centric teaching is the key. To allow learners to “pull” the information as required. Real-life scenarios are an excellent vehicle since content can be aligned within a scenario so learners can access it as needed. ​

2. Knowledge retention amplified.​
Learning is made memorable by embedding “affective context”, a learning model that promotes knowledge retention by adding emotion and relative importance.

3. Engaged, excited learners.​
Learners are engaged when content directly relates to them. Make content important by creating experiential situations by using a blend of affective elements including contextual framing, anecdotal narrative, personal impacts, and self-reflection.

4. Immediate application of knowledge​.
Real life scenarios allow you to put your learners in the picture. Creating immersive, relatable scenarios enables learners to apply skills and knowledge easily and directly in their daily roles and tasks.

5. Gives learners the power.​
The king of scenarios is the multi-branching scenario (MBS) that provides learners with decision points leading to unique outcomes. Multi-branching scenario really gives learners a taste of reality by allowing them to control a situation much like they would on the job.

Face2face meetings throughout the project

Throughout the project, the partners hold several face2face meetings to discuss the research and findings. See when and where we meet below.

  • Denmark, UCN, January 2023 - Introduction to TECH2MATCH and initiation of desk research
  • Finland, SeAmK, November 2023 - Cooperation of WP’s and clarifying concepts
  • Austria, FVK, September 2024 - Teach the teachers course and WP coordination
  • Spain, UCLM, October 2025 - Final and future agreements and conference

Funded by the European Union

TECH2MATCH is funded through Erasmus+ EU Programme for Call 2022 Round 1 KA2 KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education Form ID KA220-HED-A7C7B68D.


For more information, please contact project manager Diana Schack Thoft at or +45 7569 1056.