This work package had two objectives: a) for teachers, to design how to prepare teachers for the task of teaching a new course, with an already developed content and pedagogical framework b) for stakeholders, to discuss the development of the framework for xMOOC (Extended Massive Open Online Course).
On the one hand, the teachers' stakeholder group results highlighted the importance of the course organization (schedule, number of modules, objectives, etc). The importance of the participants in the "teach the teachers" course gaining practical experience with the relevant technologies was highlighted. None of the stakeholders felt it necessary to engage in transnational collaboration during the course. Instead, they felt that collaboration with other teachers involved in the course would be problematic if communication was in a non-native language.
On the other hand, the results with stakeholders, declared they having participated in more than 6 MOOCs, considering that they had technical and conceptual knowledge about MOOCs. Regarding the aspects to be taken into account, they fully agreed that "statistics on completion and dropout rates are collected", "the course can be delivered in the participants' mother tongue", "participants receive certificates of participation and attendance". In addition, other important aspects were that the course should be accessible from computers and mobile phones, the % of the course completed should be displayed and delivery dates should be easily identified. Regarding communication and collaboration between teachers and participants, the majority strongly agreed that "the course should include live teaching sessions such as webinars", and strongly agreed that "feedback from teachers on assignments and work completed" and "communication with other participants should be part of the course".
Finally, the participants considered that the following tools could facilitate participation in the online course: collaboration among students, creation of forums by subject, collaborative work, communication with students, webinar/video resources, online chats, forums, feedback on the correction of assignments and tests, multiple choice questions for continuous evaluation during the course, exchange of students between universities for "ERASMUS" type exchange and seminars or online meetings with other countries to discuss knowledge.